White People Work Cohort

There are a lot of spaces that introduce white people to racial justice work, but what comes after understanding white privilege? We wanted to create a space to go deeper: a space for white folks who are in leadership or on diverse teams and navigating real life situations everyday.

We want to support folks who are making leadership decisions in their organizations, supervising POC, and have been on this journey for several years.

We will work to connect with our bodies, do the deeper character work, and navigate real life situations with wisdom and intentionality.

Applications close April 30, 2024


May 23, 30 June 6, 13, 20, 27 2024

Thursdays 6pm- 7:30 PM Pacific/ 9pm Eastern


$950- You can make 1 or 2 payments. Some scholarship available

Cohort Details


The cohort commitment includes the weekly zoom gatherings, regular posting in our online community space, and some reading and reflection each week. You should have at least 3 to 4 hours to give to the cohort each week. And you can only miss one gathering if you want to be in the cohort. The co-learning and communal exploration are an important part of the cohort space.


Here are some of the topics and concepts that we will explore.

  • The difference between articulated values and the unconscious non-verbals we communicate.

  • Moving beyond being afraid of making mistakes, and beginning to explore an authentic way to lead as ourselves.

  • Options for how to use the power and influence thoughtfully, strategically, and with awareness.

  • Practicing attunement to how our bodies are responding to situations. Connecting with the way anxiety, defensiveness, and fear manifest in our bodies and impact how we respond to situations.

  • Exploring the progressive tendency towards paternalism, abdicating leadership, and expecting transferred trust.

Ultimately, we want to help everyone in the cohort grow as folks who help co-create belonging and liberative life giving community for everyone.

The Facilitators


Erna Kim Hackett

Erna Kim Hackett is a preacher, trainer, public theologian, and founder of Liberated Together. She is passionate about building radical solidarity between women of color communities and helping WOC pursue justice in sustainable and joy-filled ways. Erna has been teaching, educating, and training at the intersection of theology, racial justice, and community for over 20 years. She founded Liberated Together in 2019 as a refuge for women of color, queer WOC, and non-binary folks to reconstruct their faith with liberative and embodied theology and decolonized approaches to social justice. In 2023, Erna launched Liberated Together Spiritual Direction School, providing training for WOC, queer WOC, and non-binary folks to serve their communities.

She received her Masters in Intercultural Studies from the Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies. She has been married for 16 years to a white guy, no kids by choice. She loves hiking, eating good food with friends, and cheese.


Scott Hall

Scott has been engaged in racial justice work for the past thirty years. With a master’s degree in inter-cultural studies, he works as a director of justice learning, a chaplain for youth who are incarcerated, and a consultant for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Scott hosts a podcast called White People Work and has spent the past eight years developing training for white Americans who want to do less harm and find their part to play in working toward racial equity.